Alabaster – Meanings, Properties, & Usage


The ever-enchanting Alabaster, widely recognized for its smooth, milky white or softly hued appearance, holds a mesmerizing space in the world of healing crystals. Loved for its gentle energy and calming influence, Alabaster is popular among crystal enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners for its ability to promote peace and tranquility. Its distinguished appearance and soothing qualities have made it a significant presence in cultural artistry, historical practice, and metaphysical healing.

General Information

Common Name

The most widely recognized name for this stone is Alabaster.

Scientific Name

Traditionally, Alabaster refers to two different minerals: Gypsum (a hydrated calcium sulphate) and Calcite (a carbonate mineral).

Alternative Names

Alabaster can also be referred to as Gypsum stone, Onyx Marble, or Egyptian Alabaster, depending on its composition and place of origin.

Color and Appearance

Alabaster carries a sensual charm, with its usual milky white color and occasional streaks of red, orange, brown, or gray. Its texture is delicately smooth, giving it an alluring luster. Some variants may appear slightly translucent, adding to its aesthetic charm.

Crystal Structure

Alabaster, when it comprises Gypsum, has a monoclinic crystal structure, while the Calcite variety has a trigonal crystal structure. As per crystal healing beliefs, these structures may influence the energies radiated by the crystal.


With a Mohs hardness rating of 2 for Gypsum and 3 for Calcite, Alabaster is relatively soft. This suggests that the crystal can be easily scratched and requires careful handling.

Sources and Origin

Alabaster is found globally, with notable sources in Egypt, Italy, and Mexico. It’s formed through the evaporative process of sulfate-rich waters, leading to its unique, exquisite creation.

Rarity and Availability

While not precisely rare, the delicate nature of Alabaster means that high-quality pieces can be relatively hard to obtain. Nonetheless, it’s available in various forms, including sculptural objects, raw stones, and jewelry.

Historical Background and Lore

Historically, Alabaster has been prized by many civilizations, from Ancient Egypt, where it was used in crafting canopic jars and ornaments, to Renaissance Italy, where it was a favorite medium for sculptors. It’s considered a stone of forgiveness and releasing resentment in various cultural beliefs.

Correspondences and Associations

Zodiac Sign Correspondence

Ideal for those born under the sun sign of Gemini, Alabaster is believed to promote clear communication and calm anxiety, resonating with the Twins’ expressive and sometimes nervous nature.

Chakra Alignment

Alabaster is known to align primarily with the Crown Chakra, fostering spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Planetary Connection

It’s often associated with the Moon due its calming and balancing energies – reflecting the Moon’s influence over our emotions and intuition.

Elemental Association

Alabaster connects robustly with the Air element, supporting mental clarity and intellectual pursuits while promoting an easy flow of energy.

Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties

Anecdotally, Alabaster is thought to benefit skin health and aid in improving conditions like eczema or rashes. Additionally, it’s believed to foster bone and teeth health.

Spiritual Healing Energies

Deeply congruent with spiritual growth, Alabaster is said to strengthen connection with higher consciousness and guide one towards the light of inner wisdom.

Emotional Healing Properties

This nurturing stone may offer solace in times of emotional stress, promoting patience, forgiveness, and a sense of tranquility.

Usage and Application

How to Use

To harness the healing properties of Alabaster, carry it in your pocket, place it on your desk, or meditate with it. Its serene energy may also enhance the tranquility of a room when used as décor.

Charging and Activation Tips

Charging Alabaster under the soft glow of moonlight helps to enhance its calming properties. Avoid sunlight as it may cause discoloration or damage due to its soft nature.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Considering its delicacy, clean Alabaster with a soft cloth, making sure to protect it from harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

Precautions and Considerations

Due to its softness, Alabaster can scratch easily and is sensitive to heat and acids. Handling it gently and storing it carefully is crucial to its longevity.

Synergy with Other Crystals

Related Crystals or Complementary Pairings

Alabaster works harmoniously with soft energy stones like Rose Quartz and Selenite. Together, they amplify calmness, self-love, and spiritual clarity.



In recapitulation, Alabaster, with its sublime white hue and peaceful energy, is cherished in crystal healing for its calming properties, its spiritual significance, and its gentle resonance with the Crown Chakra.

Further Exploration

Delving into the world of Alabaster is an enlightening experience; ‘The Crystal Bible’ by Judy Hall offers a comprehensive introduction. If you’ve experienced Alabaster’s calming energy, we’d love to hear about your journey.

Sandra Tyler
Hi, I'm Sandra, but you can call me Sandy! I started Crystal Meanings as a way to share my passion of healing crystal exploration. Over the years, I've truly enjoyed helping friends and loved ones on their own journeys. Now with this site, I am excited to reach as many people as possible.

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