Amazonite – Meaning, Properties, & Usage


Amazonite, a captivating turquoise-green crystal, is a source of intrigue for many in the world of crystal healing. Often referred to as the “Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth,” it’s reputed to have soothing energies that align both the physical body and the spiritual self. The popularity of Amazonite is significant in various healing practices due to its versatile and gentle qualities, reflecting both natural beauty and purported therapeutic value.

General Information

Common Name

Amazonite is the most widely recognized name for this particular crystal.

Scientific Name

Scientifically, Amazonite belongs to the feldspar family and is specifically classified as a microcline feldspar.

Alternative Names

This gem is also known by various names like the Amazon Stone, although the origins of these names remain debated. Some believe it was named after the Amazon River, even though no substantial deposits have been found there.

Color and Appearance

Amazonite showcases a stunning turquoise-green color, sometimes accompanied by white streaks or cloudy areas. Its surface is often opaque, with a vitreous luster, and it can range from a pale shade to a deep teal. Its visual allure is one of the aspects that makes it so attractive to crystal enthusiasts.

Crystal Structure

Amazonite has a triclinic crystal structure. This particular arrangement allows a subtle play of color and light, enhancing the gem’s aesthetic appeal.


With a Mohs hardness rating of 6 to 6.5, Amazonite is moderately hard. Practically, this means that while it’s resistant to scratching from softer materials, it can be damaged by harder substances, thus requiring gentle care.

Sources and Origin

Found in areas like Russia, Madagascar, Brazil, and the United States, Amazonite is formed in granite and metamorphic rocks. Its geological formation process involves the cooling and solidification of magma, which gives rise to its distinctive color.

Rarity and Availability

While Amazonite is not exceedingly rare, the availability of high-quality specimens can be limited. It is generally accessible to the general public at varying price points, depending on quality and source.

Historical Background and Lore

Amazonite has been used and admired throughout history, notably by ancient Egyptian civilizations. It has been associated with truth, integrity, and communication, and various cultures have embraced legends and beliefs around its ability to enhance these qualities.

Correspondences and Associations

Zodiac Sign Correspondence

Virgo is the zodiac sign often associated with Amazonite, possibly due to its calming and grounding properties that resonate with Virgo’s earthly nature.

Chakra Alignment

This crystal is particularly aligned with the Heart and Throat Chakras, promoting love, empathy, and clear communication.

Planetary Connection

Amazonite is connected with Uranus, symbolizing freedom, individuality, and creativity, mirroring the metaphysical attributes of the stone itself.

Elemental Association

Water is the element most associated with Amazonite, which corresponds well with its calming, flowing energy that resembles the gentle current of a river.

Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties

Amazonite is thought to support physical well-being, including aiding muscle spasms, dental health, and calcium deficiency. While these claims have not been scientifically validated, many users report a feeling of physical comfort and wellness.

Spiritual Healing Energies

Spiritually, Amazonite is said to foster personal growth and self-discovery, guiding the soul to truth and integrity.

Emotional Healing Properties

Emotionally, Amazonite is renowned for soothing trauma, alleviating worry and fear, and helping individuals find inner peace. It’s like a supportive friend during times of emotional distress.

Usage and Application

How to Use

Amazonite can be worn as jewelry, placed in living spaces, or used in meditation. Its presence can be a gentle reminder of inner strength and alignment.

Charging and Activation Tips

Placing Amazonite in moonlight or sunlight for a few hours can energize it, although not too long in direct sunlight as it might fade.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Gently wash the stone with water and mild soap, and dry it thoroughly to maintain its luster and effectiveness.

Precautions and Considerations

Handle Amazonite with care due to its moderate hardness. Avoid harsh chemicals, and be mindful of personal beliefs and expectations, as experiences with crystals can be highly individual.

Synergy with Other Crystals

Related Crystals or Complementary Pairings

Amazonite pairs well with crystals like Quartz and Lapis Lazuli, amplifying clarity, wisdom, and insight.



Amazonite, with its soothing turquoise hue and varied applications, is a crystal that invites exploration. Its connection to physical, emotional, and spiritual realms makes it a versatile tool in personal wellness practices.

Further Exploration

For those curious to delve deeper, books and workshops on crystal healing can offer a richer understanding of Amazonite. Reflect on your personal experience with this crystal, if you have one, or consider exploring it as a new companion on your journey of self-discovery. Feel free to share your insights and engage in a community that appreciates the gentle art of healing with crystals.

Sandra Tyler
Hi, I'm Sandra, but you can call me Sandy! I started Crystal Meanings as a way to share my passion of healing crystal exploration. Over the years, I've truly enjoyed helping friends and loved ones on their own journeys. Now with this site, I am excited to reach as many people as possible.

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