Eilat Stone – Meanings, Properties, & Usage


Overview of Eilat Stone

Welcome to an exploration of the Eilat Stone, a captivating crystal renowned for its unique blend of hues and energetic properties. Nestled within Israel’s ancient copper mines lies this fascinating semi-precious gemstone that has found its way into the heart of many crystal enthusiasts. Known as Israel’s national stone, the Eilat Stone is prized not only for its beauty but also its potential healing properties, making it a captivating facet of crystal healing practices.

General Information

Common Name

The most recognized name for this gemstone, universally understood across most cultures, is the Eilat Stone.

Scientific Name

A perfect amalgamation of several minerals, Eilat Stone principally consists of Chrysocolla, Malachite, Turquoise, and Copper. Though it doesn’t have a specific scientific name, these constituent minerals each belong to their distinct mineral classes.

Alternative Names

The Eilat Stone is sometimes referred to as “King Solomon Stone,” stemming from its origin in the legendary King Solomon’s mines located in Eilat city, Israel.

Color and Appearance

The Eilat Stone parades a remarkable palette of colors, predominantly displaying shades of vibrant blue and green interspersed with copper streaks. Its appearance is typically speckled, usually in the form of compact aggregates, creating a complex, captivating texture. The stone’s luster varies from dull to vitreous, adding to its unique charm.

Crystal Structure

Due to its mixed mineral composition, the Eilat Stone does not have a uniform crystal structure. Its contributing minerals—Chrysocolla, Malachite, and Turquoise—each follow their distinct monolithic, fibrous, or crystalline structures.


With a Mohs hardness rating of around 3-4, Eilat Stone is considered a relatively soft mineral. This directly translates to the stone’s susceptibility to scratches which requires delicate handling and care.

Sources and Origin

Eilat Stone is named after the city of Eilat located in Southern Israel, the region where it was first discovered. These stones are primarily sourced from the ancient copper mines in the area, with their formation process intertwined with the regional copper ore dynamics.

Rarity and Availability

While initially abundant, the Eilat Stone has grown increasingly rare since the exhaustion of the original mine’s resources. However, its enticing properties continue to maintain public interest, making it available within the more selective circles of the gemstone market.

Historical Background and Lore

Eilat Stone, often associated with King Solomon’s mines, carries rich historical significance. It has been used since biblical times for ornamental and spiritual purposes. King Solomon himself is said to have adorned his shields and swords with this stone. To this day, Eilat Stone holds pride of place as Israel’s national stone.

Correspondences and Associations

Zodiac Sign Correspondence

The Eilat Stone is believed to resonate strongly with the gentle and emotional Pisces sign, offering grounding and soothing energy.

Chakra Alignment

The captivating hues of the Eilat Stone correspond with the Heart and Throat Chakras, helping to unblock and balance these energy points, promoting emotional tranquility and better communication.

Planetary Connection

The Eilat Stone is often linked with Venus, the planet of love and harmony, due to its strong affiliation with emotional balance and tranquility.

Elemental Association

In line with its calming and grounding nature, the Eilat Stone is often associated with the Water element.

Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties

While scientific expertise remains divided, some crystal healers believe that the Eilat Stone possesses properties that could help with issues related to the immune system, spleen, and pancreas. Its copper content is purportedly beneficial for pain relief, specifically for bone and joint-related ailments.

Spiritual Healing Energies

Spiritually, Eilat Stone is said to promote wisdom and insight, establishing a deeper connection with the self and the universe. It is often used as a tool for meditation, facilitating spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Emotional Healing Properties

When it comes to emotional healing, the Eilat Stone is lauded for its ability to soothe emotional turmoil, enhance clarity, and encourage self-expression, serving as a balancing force during times of emotional unrest.

Usage and Application

How to Use

You may use the Eilat Stone as a piece of jewelry, a charm, or place it in your living space. For more concentrated effects, hold it during meditation or place it on your heart or throat chakras during energy work.

Charging and Activation Tips

To enhance the Eilat Stone’s vibrancy, you can charge it under moonlight or sun rays. Some individuals also recommend burying it in the earth to tap into natural energies.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Given its relative softness, cleaning Eilat Stone requires care: lukewarm water, gentle brushing, and air drying should do the trick. Due to its copper content, keep it away from harsh chemicals and extreme heat.

Precautions and Considerations

As with any healing practice, it’s important to remember that using Eilat Stone should not replace professional medical advice. Its use should be complementary, and users should approach with both openness and discernment.

Synergy with Other Crystals

Related Crystals or Complementary Pairings

Combining Eilat Stone with Quartz can reportedly heighten its healing energies. Other stones like Amethyst and Carnelian may harmonize well with Eilat Stone, enhancing emotional balance and personal strength.



The Eilat Stone, with its stunning colors, fascinating history, and potential healing properties, is more than just a gemstone. Its capacity to connect, heal, and balance energy points, along with its rich cultural and historical significance, presents a compelling chapter in the vast world of crystals.

Further Exploration

To delve deeper into the Eilat Stone’s journey, you might consider visiting the Eilat Stone Jewelry factory in Israel or undertaking a literature survey of historical gemology. Feel open to share your experiences and personal journey with Eilat Stone below — how has it impacted you and your well-being? Let’s continue to explore and understand together, growing through collective wisdom and personal experience.

Sandra Tyler
Hi, I'm Sandra, but you can call me Sandy! I started Crystal Meanings as a way to share my passion of healing crystal exploration. Over the years, I've truly enjoyed helping friends and loved ones on their own journeys. Now with this site, I am excited to reach as many people as possible.

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