Lapis Lazuli – Meaning, Properties, & Usage


Lapis Lazuli, a crystal often associated with wisdom and truth, has long captivated the hearts and minds of those exploring the world of healing crystals. Its deep blue hue, flecked with gold, has made it a symbol of royalty and honor, a favorite among various cultures for millennia. This stone’s popularity in crystal healing practices lies in its purported abilities to encourage clarity, inspire confidence, and promote self-awareness.

General Information

Common Name

Lapis Lazuli is the most widely recognized name for this enchanting blue stone.

Scientific Name

This crystal belongs to the Lazurite family, classified scientifically as part of the sodalite group.

Alternative Names

Lapis Lazuli is also known as “Stone of Wisdom” or simply “Lapis.” These names originate from its deep association with intellectual growth and enlightenment.

Color and Appearance

Lapis Lazuli’s breathtaking blue color, often interspersed with gold or white flecks, makes it truly distinctive. Its smooth texture and lustrous appearance often vary in shape and size, but the richness of its color is a constant allure.

Crystal Structure

The crystal structure of Lapis Lazuli is cubic, signifying stability and harmony. This might be part of why many believe in its balancing properties.


With a Mohs hardness rating of 5 to 5.5, Lapis Lazuli is relatively soft. Practically speaking, care must be taken when handling this stone, as it can scratch or break easily.

Sources and Origin

Predominantly found in Afghanistan, Chile, and Russia, Lapis Lazuli forms in limestone through a complex process involving several minerals. Its geological formation and rarity make each piece unique.

Rarity and Availability

Though considered rare, Lapis Lazuli is still accessible to the general public. Its availability varies, reflecting the demand for this exquisite stone.

Historical Background and Lore

Lapis Lazuli’s history is rich and spans various cultures. The Egyptians utilized it for amulets and jewelry, and it was said to adorn Cleopatra’s eye shadow. In medieval Europe, artists used it as a vibrant blue pigment. Many myths and legends surround Lapis Lazuli, often connecting it to spiritual insight and enlightenment.

Correspondences and Associations

Zodiac Sign Correspondence

Often associated with the Sagittarius zodiac sign, Lapis Lazuli is believed to resonate with the free-spirited, philosophical nature of this sign.

Chakra Alignment

Lapis Lazuli aligns predominantly with the Third Eye Chakra, aiding in intuition and inner wisdom. It’s also associated with the Throat Chakra, promoting clear communication.

Planetary Connection

Connected to the planet Jupiter, Lapis Lazuli embodies growth, expansion, and abundance, reflecting the metaphysical qualities of this gas giant.

Elemental Association

With its deep blue color, Lapis Lazuli naturally aligns with the Water element, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and fluidity.

Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties

While scientific evidence may be limited, anecdotal reports suggest that Lapis Lazuli may support the immune system, relieve headaches, and improve sleep.

Spiritual Healing Energies

Many spiritual practitioners view Lapis Lazuli as a tool for deepening meditation, enhancing spiritual insight, and fostering personal growth.

Emotional Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli’s calming energy can aid in emotional healing. Its gentle influence is said to alleviate stress, encourage self-expression, and help navigate complex emotions.

Usage and Application

How to Use

Using Lapis Lazuli for healing can be as simple as wearing it as jewelry or placing it on the body during meditation. It’s also popular in energy work, like Reiki.

Charging and Activation Tips

Charging Lapis Lazuli under the full moon or in sunlight may enhance its properties. Some also recommend placing it with other spiritually-aligned crystals.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Gentle cleaning with mild soap and lukewarm water is advised. Avoid harsh chemicals, and store it away from harder stones to prevent scratches.

Precautions and Considerations

Due to its softness, handling Lapis Lazuli with care is essential. Furthermore, mindful exploration is recommended, as individual experiences with crystals may vary.

Synergy with Other Crystals

Related Crystals or Complementary Pairings

Lapis Lazuli pairs well with crystals like Clear Quartz and Amethyst, amplifying intuition and clarity. Combinations may enhance the overall healing experience.



Lapis Lazuli, a stunning blue crystal with a rich history, offers a wealth of potential benefits, from physical wellness to emotional healing and spiritual growth. Its unique properties and versatility make it a cherished part of many healing practices.

Further Exploration

For those drawn to the allure of Lapis Lazuli, books on crystal healing or workshops with experienced practitioners offer further insight. Your personal exploration may reveal profound connections and understandings with this beautiful stone. Have you experienced the energies of Lapis Lazuli? Share your story and discover a community of like-minded seekers, embracing the wisdom of the ages in the palm of your hand.

Sandra Tyler
Hi, I'm Sandra, but you can call me Sandy! I started Crystal Meanings as a way to share my passion of healing crystal exploration. Over the years, I've truly enjoyed helping friends and loved ones on their own journeys. Now with this site, I am excited to reach as many people as possible.

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