Amegreen – Meanings, Properties, & Usage


Amegreen, the ethereal amalgamation of purple amethyst, prasiolite, or green amethyst, and white quartz, emerges as a unique crystal in the realm of gem healing. This tricolor variant of quartz is celebrated for its meditative tranquility and its potent metaphysical properties, blurring the lines between the physical and spiritual planes. With its restful hues and potent energy, the Amegreen is often heralded as a tranquil bridge, connecting the mindful heart to the intuitive third eye.

General Information

Common Name

The term ‘Amegreen’ typically refers to this visually striking crystal, reflecting its combination of Amethyst, Green Quartz or Prasiolite, and White Quartz elements.

Scientific Name

Amegreen falls under the extensive Quartz family (scientifically termed silicon dioxide) due to its composition.

Alternative Names

There are no widely recognized alternative names for Amegreen, it is primarily known as such due to its tricolor nature.

Color and Appearance

Amegreen exhibits a beautiful blend of hues – typically, it comprises the rich purple of Amethyst, the soothing green of Prasiolite, and the purifying white of Quartz. These colors may present themselves in stripes or swirls, creating a unique aesthetic appeal for every specimen.

Crystal Structure

Amegreen, being part of the Quartz family, has a trigonal crystal system. The energetic properties of this crystal structure are thought to amplify intent and emotions, potentially offering transformative power in various aspects of life.


The crystal bears a Mohs hardness ranking of 7, indicating robustness – it can resist scratches from most everyday substances and retain its beauty over time.

Sources and Origin

Amegreen quartz is primarily mined from Africa’s rich mineral beds, specifically Zambia, where the combination of Amethyst and Prasiolite occurs naturally in the geological formations.

Rarity and Availability

Although not exceedingly rare, the finest quality Amegreen remains limited in supply, rendering it somewhat elusive. The gem’s uniqueness and beauty, however, make it well worth pursuing for crystal enthusiasts.

Historical Background and Lore

While no specific myths or lore solely focus on Amegreen, its constituent elements – Amethyst and Quartz – are deeply embedded in history. Amethyst was revered in ancient cultures for its perceived spiritual protection and sobriety promotion. Meanwhile, Quartz has been used across cultures for its believed healing and amplifying properties, enhancing the potency of other crystals.

Correspondences and Associations

Zodiac Sign Correspondence

Amegreen, with its amethyst element, resonates strongly with the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, echoing their intellectual depth and empathetic nature.

Chakra Alignment

The vibrant green prasiolite stimulates and harmonizes with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing, while the intense purple amethyst connects with the third eye chakra for spiritual awakening.

Planetary Connection

Amegreen’s potent vibrational energies are believed to connect with the transformative realms of Neptune and Uranus, known for stirring deeper consciousness and innovation, respectively.

Elemental Association

Amegreen, with its earthy green prasiolite and spiritual purple amethyst, bridges the elements of Earth and Air, grounding one’s energies while uplifting the spirit.

Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties

Owing to its quartz lineage, Amegreen is believed to boost the immune system and promote physical healing. It may also assist with respiratory health and enhance skin regeneration, although these claims rely primarily on anecdotal evidence.

Spiritual Healing Energies

Amegreen carries a potent spiritual energy, strengthening intuitive abilities and psychic perception. It acts as a tranquil conduit between physical and spiritual realms, cultivating serenity and inner peace.

Emotional Healing Properties

Amegreen’s synergistic alignment with the heart chakra makes it a healing companion for emotional traumas. It is thought to nurture compassionate understanding and foster emotional resilience.

Usage and Application

How to Use

Amegreen can be worn as jewelry close to the heart or held during meditation. Keeping it in one’s living or workspace may also invite serene energies into the environment.

Charging and Activation Tips

Amegreen, like its quartz counterparts, can be charged under moonlight or sunlight. The gentle energies of the moon may harmonize with its tranquil vibes, while sunlight can infuse it with a fresh burst of vitality.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Gentle soapy water and a soft cloth can be used to clean Amegreen. Avoid harsh chemicals and temperature shocks to maintain its luster.

Precautions and Considerations

While generally safe, consider the personal energy and emotional state when using Amegreen. Its energy-stimulating properties may not suit everyone, so it’s essential to be mindful of individual responses.

Synergy with Other Crystals

Related Crystals or Complementary Pairings

Amegreen pairs harmoniously with heart chakra stones like Rose Quartz or Emerald. For deepening its connection with the third eye, Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite could be used.



Amegreen, a beautiful amalgamation of Amethyst, Prasiolite, and Quartz, is a unique crystal that brings serene, transformative energy to both the emotional and spiritual realms. Known for its potential to bridge the heart and the third eye, it’s a gem that encourages compassion, intuition, and a higher state of consciousness.

Further Exploration

To further explore the fascinating world of Amegreen, consider connecting with crystal healing communities or delve into scholarly articles discussing Quartz properties. Feel free to share your personal experiences and discoveries using Amegreen, for every personal journey enriches our collective understanding and appreciation of these natural gifts. Spirits soar and hearts open when we invite the tranquil energies of Amegreen into our lives. How has it shaped your paths?

Sandra Tyler
Hi, I'm Sandra, but you can call me Sandy! I started Crystal Meanings as a way to share my passion of healing crystal exploration. Over the years, I've truly enjoyed helping friends and loved ones on their own journeys. Now with this site, I am excited to reach as many people as possible.

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